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Refund and Returns Policy

Web Design

Payments for custom design projects are made to us in increments as a courtesy to the client. Once a payment or deposit is made, it is non-refundable. If a project is cancelled or postponed, all monies paid are retained by HAZELGLOW and if applicable, a fee for all work completed beyond what was already paid for shall be paid by the client.

Payments for custom web development including eCommerce projects are made to us in increments as a courtesy to the client. Once a payment or deposit is made, it is non-refundable. If a project is cancelled or postponed, all monies paid are retained by HAZELGLOW and if applicable, a fee for all work completed beyond what was already paid for shall be paid by the client.


If we receive a chargeback or payment dispute from a credit card company or bank, your service and/or project will be suspended without notice. A $200 chargeback fee (issued to recover fees passed on to us by the credit card processor), plus any outstanding balances accrued as a result of the chargeback must be paid in full before service is restored, files delivered, or any further work is done. Please contact us to address any billing issues.

Requesting a chargeback or opening a dispute for a valid charge from us is fraud and is never an appropriate or legal means of obtaining a refund. Please read and make sure you fully understand our refund policy prior to making a payment.

HAZELGLOW reserves the right to disable and/or terminate a user’s account if a user is found in violation of the terms.
Accounts terminated due to policy violations will not be refunded.

Need help?

Contact us at info[at]websiteagency[dot] studio for questions related to refunds and returns.

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